RM Bridge Advanced Wizard Help

Wind Page SNiP

All factors are used according to wind area and ground type which can be defined in General page.

Characteristic wind pressure (Wo) Characteristic value of wind pressure in [kPa]  avaliable in Table 11.1 from SP 20.13330.2011 - depending on wind area selection made in general page of Wizard: Ia, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII.
k Coefficient ,showing changing of wind pressure over the height z,  taken from Table 11.2 in SP 20.13330.2011 - depending also on Terrain profile type A, B or C.
Height of wind (h0) Height of wind load defined by the user..
Height (h) Total Superstructure/Substructure  height.
Natural-vibration frequency (f1) Defined in Table 11.5 from SP 20.13330.2011 for each wind area.
Load safety factor (gammaf) Default value is 1,4 - taken from 11.1.12 in SP 20.13330.2011.
Dynamic coefficient(ksi) For non-continuous bridges - value is taken from SP 20.13330.2011, chapter 11.1.8, Picture 11.1 (depending on parameters: delta and epsilon - described bellow).

For continuous bridges - equal to 1,2.

Aerodynamic coefficient(cw) User input.

Aerodynamic coefficient available in  Appendix H table of SP 35.13330.2011 - depending on structure type.

Oscillation parameter (delta) User input.

Default value is 0.3 for Concrete and Composite bridges.

Parameter (eps) Automatically calculated with the formula: eps = (√(Wo × K × gammaf) / 940 × f1 ).
Mean wind part (wm) Automatically calculated with the formula: wm = Wo × k × Cw.
Oscillatory wind part (wp) Automatically calculated with the formula: wp = wm × ksi × L × v.

L × v = 0.55 - 0.15 x lambda / 100 ≥ 0.30

the length of span or height of pier, in meters
Characteristic wind (wn) Automatically calculated with the formula: wn = wm + wp